The animals living here are largely made up of birds. Chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, parrots, pigeons, cockatiels and budgies. The "cage" birds are all living in aviaries with a heated inside and a spacious outside area, if we do rehome any birds they only go to aviary homes and will never find themselves in a small indoor cage. Many of our aviary birds have come from cages, some were strays and others were welfare cases taken from appalling conditions.
All our chickens, turkeys and water birds are in a large paddock protected by an electric fence from our foxy friends. Coming from various situations our flock are all now safe from exploitation. The hens are ex layers, the geese and turkeys were meant for the table and many of the cockerels and ducks were from the schools hatching projects, all lucky enough to have found sanctuary for life here at New Hope.